Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday, the Wrap Up

I am going to work on posting once a week at a minimum in hopes that drives me to be accountable to train more frequently (all three disciplines).  So, how did this past week go?  Not bad, not great, but not bad.  I managed to get out and run three days and swim three days.  Also, I did a tremendous amount of yard work which counts for something.
  • Monday - Nothing, rested
  • Tuesday - Swimming - 1,500m
  • Wednesday - Running - 4 miles....very slowly, except for the 3/4 mile on the track, sub 8 min/miles
  • Thursday - Swimming - 1,800m
  • Friday - Running - 4.5 miles - a bit faster, 1/2 mile on track at 7:50/mile pace
  • Saturday - Visit to my 'rents, they hadn't seen the girls in two months (soccer in the AM, no time to run/bike)
  • Sunday - Running 7 miles - I felt really good and am ready (or at least as ready as I will ever be) for the Broad Street Run (10 miles).  After my run, I had to spread 5 cubic yards of mulch, cut the lawn, and then it was out the door to coach my 6 year old daughters soccer game (and watch my 9 year olds game as well).
It was a long week and I'm still trying to get back into the training groove.  I really need to put my bike back on my trainer and just get on it a few days a week.  I haven't had time to get outside and ride the past few weeks, so that means I better get on the trainer and pound out some minutes in my basement.

I am going to sign up for a few triathlons in the next week or so (LavaLove in early June and NJ State Triathlon in late July....both Sprint Distance) and then have to find a few more races for August and September.  I am thinking half-iron distance in September with the possibility of  doing Ironman 70.3 Pocono Mountains.  It is important that I sign up (AND pay) soon so that I will have to get a training plan in place that I will have to follow.  I miss being 190 lbs and fast, it is no fun being 200lbs and blah.

Have a great week everyone!


Theia said...

No yoga? :)

Not a bad week! As the weather gets consistently better, I think we will both have more training mojo. At least I hope so!

I am going to miss the NJ tri this year due to an earlier vacation. Too bad; I liked that race (despite the fact that it was 92 degrees when we were running).

Keep up the good work, and GOOD LUCK at Broad Street this week. Kick some butt!

Big Daddy Diesel said...

Nice week!