Thursday, September 29, 2011

FU P90X!

I did P90X's "Chest and Back" on Monday and I am still in pain.  I am barely able to bend my right arm at the elbow because my right tricep is so tight.  My chest and left tricep are sore, but not as bad as my right.  I was really trying to push myself and I think I may have pushed a little too hard.  Holy crap!!!

That is it for now, I will attempt to try and work out again tonight.


TrevorD said...

Dude, P90x is sadistic. I started on the yoga and was f-ed up for a couple days!

I hope you stay with it. There are massive benefits but it does take some time to get accustomed to the pounding.

I got your question on stretching for MP. My latest post covers the things I've been doing to work that out.

Hope things come around for you - I know where you're at, mentally and's hard to stay mentally tough when your body won't physically let you do the things you know it's done in the past. I'm fighting that myself.

Be well and take care.

miles99999 said...

Trevor, I saw your post wtih the stretches, thanks for posting! I appreciate the words, it has been a tough couple of months since IMAZ. I hope that my year of relative "inactivity" or rather limited activity will have given my body the much needed rest.

Big Daddy Diesel said...

I like P90X, I think its a great in-season (the strength part only) program

Theia said...

Ha! I just like the title of the post. :)