Thursday, February 4, 2010

BIG mini Day

Wednesday was a just a mixed bag of stuff.  That is really the only way to describe how my day went, stuff, lots of stuff.  Biking, meetings, running, swimming, and dinner.  I suppose I should explain.

The Bike - I started off the day at 5:30AM with the sight of snow outside my window.  I had no clue it was supposed to snow.....odd.  I headed down to the basement to get in a 45 minute ride in and finished watching "The Big Lebowski" and of course "Lost" (fell asleep watching it the night before).  The ride was pretty uneventfull aside from finding out that my daughter was going to have a delayed opening.  Dang was she lucky!  I don't recall the stats from the ride, I just know that I put it in a tougher gear than my ride the day before and tried to increase my speed a bit.  All in all it was a good ride.

It was then time to head into work and sit through all day meetings...BLAH..., but it is part of the job and I did my best to stay focused.  The all day meetings meant that I wasn't going to be able to get in an afternoon run which meant I was going to go three full days without getting outside and actually running.  I can't remember the last time such a thing has happened, I was very confused how I should handle the situation.

Our meetings wrapped up around 4:30PM which left me with three hours before a business dinner (yup, a 7:30PM dinner....really?).  I decided to head to the gym and try to get my swim in as well as some weights.  I didn't find out until too late that the swim team has most of the pool reserved until 6:30PM, so I wasn't going to be able to get into the pool until after they were done which really sucked.  So I did something that I haven't done in probably two years....I hopped on the treadmill and ran.  Yes, that is right, I actually ran on a treadmill.  I should state here that the last time I ran on a treadmill (I have one in my basement that my wife uses on occassion) I was training for the 2007 NYC Marathon and I ended up cracking the platform right down the middle.  I guess I was a bit too heavy for it.

My Treadmill Experience - I couldn't believe how effortless my brief run was.  I initially set the speed at 8.0 MPH (incline at 2%)and it felt like I was crawling.  I did a 1/2 mile at that pace and then brought the speed up to 9.0 MPH for the next 1/2 mile.  I had to stop for a minute after a mile to remove a stone from my shoe (must have gotten there during my race on Sunday) before continuing on with mile number two.  The next mile I kept the speed at 8.0 MPH and was just cruising along....then I got bored.  So I decided that I had enough of this and with about 1/4 mile to go I put the speed up to 12 MPH and finished the run at 5:00/mile pace.  It was awesome, I was just flying along, watching the hundreths of a mile just turn and turn.  So ended my treadmill experience, I just couldn't go anymore for the fact that I was just really bored and I was going to try and get into the pool.  I may try another session in the future, maybe for some speedwork.

The Swim - I managed to get into the pool at 6:25PM which was huge.  What ensued was not so huge.  I was hurting so badly in the pool.  I don't know if it was ride in the pre-dawn hours or my two mile run, but I was just not feeling it.  In short I did 1,100M in 22:48, and I think my longest stretch was maybe 300M straight.  I would have liked to have done more, but my body just wouldn't let me...also the fact that it was 6:55PM and I had to get showered and off to dinner by 7:30PM didn't help either. 

Dinner - Our Chief Opererating Officer is in from Hong Kong for a few days and he scheduled a dinner for all of the senior leadership (me included) at Char Steakhouse in Raritan, NJ.  The 7:30PM was tough, I just don't eat that late, but it was still awesome.  I had a great dinner - lettuce wedge w/Blue Cheese, NY Prime w/garlic mashed potatoes, and brownie a la mode for dessert.  I was stuffed but very, very happy. 

So all in all it was a pretty busy day and I packed in a couple mini workouts (run and swim).  Today is going to be a run only day, which I decided at 5:00AM this morning when I just needed to get another 45 minutes of sleep.  I am hoping to get in 5 miles or more, especially when considering that we are supposed to get a pretty good sized snow storm beginning tomorrow.  Peace out!

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