Friday, September 11, 2009

And I Ran, I Ran So Far Away....

My pre-mature off-season seems to be continuing, but I will try to fight it and get back into some sort of training groove. True, I will not be doing a whole lot of lap swimming for the next month or so, although I will when I go to Orlando in a weeks time (there is a sweet pool at the resort). True, all of the rain and business travel I am going to be doing over the next three weekends is going to curtail any attempt at getting on my bike. Looks like it is going to be RUN, RUN, RUN!

This week has been a tough one to get back on track. I did get out and run on Tuesday at work, but my legs just weren't there. Wendesday was impossible for me to get on the road as I had a long webcast at work that meant no afternoon run. Then later on that evening I wouldn't have been able to get out until 9:30PM and I just didn't have the will to do so. This will have to change when I start my base training for Ironman Arizona 2010!!!

I finally made it out for a run at lunch with Chris. I threw it out there that it would be good to do 6 miles today, which then led us to try and decide which way to go. We decided to run the opposite loop of the route we ran last week. It was a great day for running yesterday, cool (only about 65F), not too sunny, and a nice breeze was blowing. All in all the run was perfect. We ended up doing 6.3 miles in 49:44 (7:54/mile) and my average heartrate was 159 BPM. It was a bit high because of the hills on mile 3, then just never came back down all that much. Here are the mile splits:
Mile 1 - 7:52
Mile 2 - 7:52
Mile 3 - 8:20 (up hill)
Mile 4 - 7:40 (down hill)
Mile 5 - 7:49
Mile 6 - 7:55
Mile .3 - 216 (7:42 pace)

It was just a great run I felt like I could have kept going at that pace. The cooler weather is bringing back my lungs and legs. I am anticipating getting faster this fall and winter.

I managed to get out for a run at lunch. The weather wasn't as bad as I expected, a bit of drizzle and some wind but not bad. None of my running partners were available so it was just me and my iPod Nano. I ended up going for 4.67 miles in 36:46 (7:52/mile) and I forgot to put my heartrate monitor on, although I would estimate my average HR to be around 158. I felt really good, which is promising based on how my summer went. I only hope that I can carry this momentum forward.

Oh, also had my annual Fantasy Football Draft last night and had a good time. I think my team sucks, but hey, you never know. Go Fat Jesus!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The weather is DEFINITELY helping out my runs, though I am so sad to see the summer end so abruptly! Sorry you couldn't make it to Skylands tomorrow, maybe you could do an indoor tri in the winter. NYC had a few this past year.

I have looked into the Garmin 310XT, I just don't know if I'm willing to drop $350 for a watch just yet. We'll see though! Maybe I'll wait the 6 months to see if you get it and see what you think of it! Awesome work.