Thursday, October 1, 2009

VW Down

Today started like any other day, in fact it started a little bit better. I was up earlier than usual, I was out of the house on time and I could even see the sun gently rising up over the horizon. I had a smile on my face and I was ready to sieze the day. That's right around when my VW Jetta decided that today was not "the" day, that today was going to be a bad day. I was a mere nine miles from home when my cars check engine light started blinking and I knew that I needed to get it in for service ASAP. Cylinder #6 needs a new coil and it is going to cost me $266 to have it replaced. Along with that, it has to go in for its 60,000 mile service (~$260). And as the icing on the cake, I recently had my antenna ripped off of the top of my car in a rain storm and that is going to cost me $224 (that one really blew me away). Yeah, I am not happy, not happy at all.

The only plus in this whole thing was that I was able to see girls (daughters and wife) more than usual. I saw my oldest daughter get on the school bus and then got to spend the day working at home....with my wife who also was at home today. Oh, I was also there when she got home from school and I picked my little one up from Pre-K. I should add that I really should stress that I am very fortunate that I have the ability to work from home occassionally and that I love being able to be there for my daughters immediately before and after school. They always seem to be at their utmost happiest at those times.

As for training, I really need to start getting into a groove (a word I think I have been over using lately), and start putting together my plan for next year. Deep down I secretly would love to qualify for Kona. I know that it is a long, long, long shot to say the least. First, the fact that I have never done an full Ironman distance race does not play in my favor. Second, the only half-iron distance I finished in just over six hours (horrible conditions on a very tough course). Third, I don't know what third is, but there has to be something. I know that I am capable of greater things, of going faster that I have in past races. I have always trained relatively well, but I have never dedicated myself to it 100%. That means, doing all of the things that are necessary to be successful, e.g. put the time in at the pool, follow a solid cycling training program, doing speedwork for the run, eating the right things, getting the proper amount of sleep, etc. The time is now, not tomorrow.

With that said I took off yesterday, but there is a very good reason for it. My father was nearby my office and we grabbed lunch together. It isn't often that I see him and I had told him a few weeks ago that if he was ever in the area I would love to sit down and just catch up. We at big ass hamburgers a local sports bar/restaurant, talked laughed and just had a good time. I really enjoy spending time with him and was really grateful that I was able to spend an hour with him.

I worked from home and was seriously considering heading out for a ride, but I decided to go for a run instead. It was a bit too cold out and I was a little pressed for time. It ended up being a good day to run and even though I was a little tired I still ran pretty well. 4.84 miles in 38:43 (8:00/mile) and my heartrate was 161 BPM. My heartrate is still a bit too high, but that seems to be where it ends up when I run at or sub-8:00/mile pace. It will get better once I drop the excess weight from Disney....and also the bacon cheeseburger from lunch yesterday.

I am working from home tomorrow and a ride is definitely in my future since I am going to have to go and pick up my car. I am really looking forward to getting on my bike (which still need a name, is "Blue Lightning" too cliched? Yeah, it is).

It's getting late and I need to start getting to bed earlier. Peace out!

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