Thursday, February 11, 2010


Oh my gosh!  22" of the white stuff fell on Eastern Pennsylvania yesterday.  They initially called for 12 - 18" then changed it to 12 - 22"....we ended up in the 22" range.  That equated to four separate one hour shoveling work-outs spaced approximately four hours apart from 8:00AM to 8:00PM.  It also means my lower back is feeling it pretty bad. 

I am sitting in my kitchen right now, looking out our bay window at our back yard, which is blanketed in white.  It is just amazing how much snow we have out there.  My daughters (both off from school today) are running around the house in sundresses playing freeze tag.  My wife is going a bit stir crazy I think.  I am hoping to get out of the house soon and go for an easy four to five mile run along the snowy streets and get a feel for how the roads are.  Hopefully sometime tonight I can get to the pool and do a 2,000M swim.

Anyway, just a quick post today.  I hope to get onto my home computer tonight and post some pictures of the storm.  Peace out!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am just wondering how long it's going to take for all of this to melt.