Tuesday, May 10th
I was in NYC for a Sales Conference, so from 8:00AM to 11:00PM I was either in meetings or socializing with my new co-workers. Knowing this, I was up at 6:00AM and out the door by 6:15AM for a run along the southern tip of Manhattan. It felt great to be out running so early in the morning, in a place I have never run before. I think I ran about 5 miles but it didn't feel like it. I was also able to see a cruise ship heading north up the Hudson to port. It was HUGE! Awesome!
Wednesday, May 11th
I was up early again, and I put in a nice 6+ mile run. It was a gorgeous morning, lots of people were out running, biking, roller-blading, etc. I had such a good time running; I am starting to feel like I am getting back into shape. The rest of the day was meetings, meetings, meetings. I think I finally headed back to my tiny hotel room around 11:00PM.
Thursday, May 12th
My last early morning run, and it didn't disappoint. I put in around 5 miles, starting by running cross town via Wall Street, and over past where the World Trade Towers once stood. I went right when I hit the river and ran north for a ways. Another beautiful morning, another good start to the day. Meetings until around 2:45PM and then a ferry trip back to Jersey City to get my car. I was home to my wife and daughters by 5:15PM. I really missed them!
Friday, May 13th
Back to the office and no time to work out, run or bike. My daughter had her last night of travel soccer team try-outs from 6PM - 8PM, so I got to spend the night watching her play soccer (and worrying about her) and talking with all of the other soccer mom's and dad's. After she was done, she and I went and got dinner together. We had a good night.
Saturday, May 14th
Oh what a busy day, kicking off with my oldest daughters first ever race, well distance race that is. It was a 3K for only elementary school kids. Despite being totally wiped out from soccer the night before, she ran hard and did great. My wife and I were so proud of her. We had the added bonus of having my mother and father there to cheer her on as well. After that we all went and got breakfast....because we had to fuel up for her lacrosse games which were at 1:00PM. Lacrosse went well, our girls played the best they have all year. My daughter managed to score a couple goals which is tremendous for a 2nd Grader. After that we headed back home for a late lunch and some "chilling out" time. I managed to take my first nap in a long, long time.
I finished up the night by getting on my bike for an hour while watching Black Swan....really good movie! I think I finally hit the hay around 11:00PM.
Sunday, May 15
This was the busiest day I have had in a very long time. Here it is in bullet form:
- 7:00AM - Woken up by daughters
- 8:00AM - Eat breakfast (three eggs and whole wheat bagel) & make breakfast for the family
- 9:00AM - Start cleaning bathrooms, including scrubbing of grout.
- 10:30AM - Finish cleaning bathrooms
- 11:00AM - Sit down for 45 minutes to watch 1st half of Liverpool v. Tottenham
- 12:00PM - Coach daughters soccer game (we won big, my daughter dominated, dribbled circles around the other team, scored 4 goals).
- 1:20PM - Arrive home and proceed to vacuum the entire house
- 2:00PM - Talk to my wife about the rest of the day/night
- 3:15PM - Go for a 6.7 mile run....oh, so very slow. I was hurting really bad and I don't know why
4:30PM - Get dressed in jacket and tie.
- 5:15PM - Take my youngest daughter out for dinner (she missed the Father/Daughter dance a few weeks back b/c she was sick)
- 6:15PM - Stop by Chubby's on the way home for ice cream...AWESOME!!!
- 7:15PM - Arrive home and get the girls ready for bed.
- 8:15PM - Go to the food store
- 9:15PM - Return from food store
- 10:30PM - Go to bed....finally.
Time for bed! Peace out!
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