Monday, July 6, 2009

No Deal

Today was one of those days where no matter how much I wanted to get in some training it just wasn't going to happen. No matter how I tried to slice it and dice it, there just wasn't going to any way to get on my bike for the scheduled 25 mile ride or to the pool for a 2,000 yd swim.

I spent the morning taking care of "family issues" and around 11:30am I was off to see my sports doctor to have my groin worked on as well as my lower back. I recently found out that I have some issued with my lower back. Let me rephrase that, I have known that I have issues with my lower back since last September but recently had them diagnosed. I have been told a few different things:
  1. I have stenosis of my L4/L5 and L5/S1 vertebrae with mild herniations of those discs as well. I was instructed to see a spinal specialist ASAP!!! - This diagnosis was by a PA-C who I found out didn't really have a clue and got me far to nervous.
  2. I don't really have stenosis but rather some of my discs have slipped a bit and a little chiropractic work should help. - This diagnosis was by my current sports doctor who referred me to a spine specialist (see below)
  3. I have a slight tear between my L4/L5 vertebrae that could be eased with a cortisone injection. - Final diagnosis from spine specialist who said to keep seeing my sports doc and stregthen the region. Keep doing what I am doing and he could help with the pain if I really needed it.

Anyway, after a 45 minute visit with treatment and therapy it was off to see my kids who I hadn't seen since last Thursday afternoon. We spent a few hours at the pool which was great....but it didn't mean I was able to get in any laps.

Then that was pretty much it for my time up until about 20 minutes ago when I finally got home and decided that trying to go for a 4 - 5 mile run just wasn't in the cards for me tonight. Deep down I know that I should have gone out and done it especially after my brief work out from yesterday. Then again I am able to rationalize it by looking back over my past two weeks of training and noticing that I haven't had a true full day off.

Well, that is it for now. I really need to get some sleep tonight. It is back to the office, where I haven't been in a week. I will definitely get in a 5 mile run tomorrow and possibly squeeze in a brief swim tomorrow night as well.

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